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Thu 07 Oct 2021 - Farewell Henry Jepson and FLrank Harris BT Manchester Staff

Farewell Henry Jepson and Frank Harris

Hi From BT MR Staff,

Dave Shear posted the sad news of Henry and Franks deaths. Unfortunately we have missed both funerals.


I have known my good friend Henry for all of my BT career. He died at the end of August peacefully at home with his family. Henry worked all of his BT life on the ground floor carrier carrier station in Dial House.When I was a teenager I joined the POEU committee when Henry was the Branch Chairman. I became Editor of the Union Mag and Branch Organiser, a naive young man, but Henry became my mentor and coached me in the dark arts of politics.
Through our careers within the business we kept bumping into each other, Henry became Secretary of the local IBTE and was very involved with the regional golf club.
Finally I became Henrys boss but our friendship blossomed through mutual respect. Since our retirement in 1993 I have kept in touch with Henry and his family and will offer my continuing support to his wife Norma.

He was a good man, intellectual with his heart set in the common good.

RIP Henry


I am so sorry to advise our shrinking following that I have been advised by Franks wife who is also very poorly that Frank died last Christmas 2020. Frank spent most of his career on the Telex 2VF audio carrier in York Street. For many years Frank was an active member of the POEU and served as Vice Chairman and a Committee Member for several years. He was as some others a voice of reason in some turbulent trade union years.

RIP Frank

Dave Shear

Message dated: Thu 07 Oct 2021

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